Oh, Oh… Did he say that?

POTUS is at it again, today US
President Barack Obama has said the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico
will have the same impact on the US psyche as 9/11.  

Unbelievable.  A lot of folks have commented on this.  Over at Chuck Z’s, I think he has nailed the situation on the head. 

Sir, I strongly doubt the American people will rise up, and demand
I strongly doubt Broadway will go dark, in mourning. 
I doubt anyone will camp out on your front yard to protest their son’s
lost life. 
I doubt we will see the military recruiting in record numbers because
people want to fight the oil slick. 
I doubt I will wake up sweating in the middle of the night, after
dreaming of the poor widdle pelicans covered in oil.

Go read the whole thing, it’s worth your time.