Sharia Law

There has been quite a bit of discussion regarding Sharia Law over the past several years.

We have seen Great Britain flirt with offering enclaves where Sharia law would hold sway, complete with court systems.  We have see reports of people stoned in the middle east.  Other reports of vacationers from other countries being tried and punished to the standards of Sharia law.  And many other anecdotes, and stories of punishments, that for most westerners seem extreme and out of proportion to the offense.

Yesterday, this article appeared about a story out of Somalia.

Islamic militants have executed two Somali football fans for watching
Nigeria play Argentina on Saturday night.

The deaths happened in Central Somalia which is under strict Islamic
law and forbids anyone in the region from watching World Cup matches.

Militants from Hizbul Islam arrested 10 fans who were also part of the

A further 30 people were arrested for watching the Australia vs Germany
game the following night.

This is the biggest sporting event on the planet (outside of the US).  And here we have people being executed for watching, and celebrating.  Incredible.

Today we are reminded of an incident to our North, that took place in 2007.

Just two days before she was killed, 16-year-old Aqsa Parvez went to the movies for the first time.

She had fought her parents for the right to wear Western clothing, and to jettison the hijab they wanted her to wear. She was going to apply for a part-time job, something her father refused to allow. Then she ran away from home for the second time in three months. The first time, her father had sworn on the Koran he would kill her if she ever ran away again.

Yet on the morning of Dec. 10, 2007, Ms. Parvez went home. Thirty-six minutes later, her father called 911 saying he had killed her. When police arrived, they found Ms. Parvez’s mother crying hysterically and her father with blood on his hands.

We saw a very similar incident in Dallas in the recent past as well.

Not all Muslims take this hard line approach to their religion and honestly we see very little of this in “the West”.  When it does occur, it makes headlines.

In the US, this country was founded by groups of individuals escaping religious persecution.  As a result, we are a nation that is founded on principles that allow individuals to practice religion as they see fit.  There is a line there though that is going to have to be defined.  When do religious, or cultural, practices cross the line to immoral and illegal acts?  How, do we create a society where that that line is well defined, and enforced?

As screwed up as the direction of this country is right now, it is still the very best nation in which to live.  Globally, we see the turmoil in Kyrgazstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Greese etc.  We see the living conditions in Nepal, Burma, Somalia, etc.  As a result I am reminded every day of the freedoms, rights, and opportunities that we have have here in the United States and the responsibility that each individual in our society has to maintain or improve our way of life.  We cannot bring the world to our standards, there are too many obstacles and ingrained beliefs to succeed at that.  However, we cannot allow this nation backslide to the standards of other countries.  Ultimately, that may make the United States a global pariah in some eyes.  To me, it is leadership by example.

BTW: The Argentina vs. Nigeria match was pretty good.  The Nigerian keeper was incredible.  That should have been a 6 – nil score not the 1- nil it turned out to be.  Too bad it cost two people their lives.