It is always nice to have what you know to be true, confirmed by others. “America Needs More Marine Corps Values”. Go read the whole thing, I’ll wait.
Here’s my favorite highlight:
Of course, honor, courage and commitment are always in short supply. But the Marines teach personal responsibility and accountability by example, that any chain is only as strong as the weakest individual link. As a unit, we are stronger working together than the individual members can separately be.
Marines take care of their own — and they take care of their fellow Marines before themselves. The well-being of the country and of the Corps is more important than our individual well-being.
This may best be stated in the hard-and-fast Marine rule: “Officers eat last.” The Marine officer does not eat until after his subordinates for whom he is responsible — the corporals and privates — have been fed. Marines live by the rule that loyalty goes both up and down the chain of command. Would not our country be a more just and human place if the brass of Wall Street and Washington
and executive suites believed that “officers eat last”?
Yes, these are some of the values that are instilled in our Corps. Imagine this nation if these were common values.