Small Town Celebrations

We braved the heat and the humidity of the upper mid-west, and hauled the clan the mile or two down the street to the local Independence Day Parade.  A long walk for the kids, on a hot day to stand along a tree lined street and watch a parade.

My concept of a parade is built around the Grand Floral parade that takes place as part of Rose Festival in Portland every year.  Add to the that, the Macy’s day parade, the Pasadena Rose Festival parade and certain expectations are set.  Complicate the matter by realizing that I have spent the last 9 months working in Manhattan and I was pleasantly blind sided by the intimacy and genuine fun of today’s event.

Picture if you will, a two lane shaded road with a parade running through it.

These kind folks, spotted me in the crowd and went out of their way to make sure that I had an application to join their organization.

There were Shriner’s on bicycles,

and Shriner’s in go carts,

and Shriner’s on horseback.

A Candidate for US Senate notice the way that he has arranged to get out in front of the crowd and lead.  It’s the little things that set perceptions.

A couple of unusual flags on display

When it came time  for the gay pride coalition folks to come through with their rainbow flags, there was a deafening silence from the crowd.  A couple of birds tweeting, some crickets chirping, and just a lot of folks not saying anything.  Good mid-west manners that, if you can’t say something nice….

Yeah, I’ve spent too much time with the slick media productions and liberal attitudes of New York.   Every where you turn there’s a live news report, a rolling ad for Broadway play, a new product introduction, billboards on every building, Jumbotrons, live TV studios and broadcasts from the street.

It’s nice to be home for a while.  Besides, I kinda miss these guys when I am on the road.