Honor Rally

There was a big event in DC over the weekend, in case you missed it.  I am still kind of digesting the event, and the contrasts that I have seen.  Perhaps I will get a more thoughtful post up later in the week.  In the interim, consider these two items.

The first is off of Hot Air.  The money quote:

We have listened too long to the poisonous whispers of those who say we’re too old and feeble to stand up and deal with our own problems.  The doom they have written for us can be swept aside like so many cobwebs.  Honorable people do not fear risk and challenge.

The second item is from Michelle Makin’s site, written by Doug Powers.  There are a lot of interesting points within the article.  What I found most interesting is the crowd estimates.

Lowball crowd size estimate of the day: CBS News reports about 87,000 attended (apparently they got the rally figure mixed up with the total of how many Democrats are in CBS, NBC and ABC’s newsrooms). NBC reported 300,000, and if you don’t hear event organizers saying there were more than that, it’s because 300,000 was the limit of their permit.