Something to think about

This week finds me on the road again, what else is new.  So, I get the chance to miss the first day of school for my 9 year old this year, and all the excitement that goes along with that.  I also miss the first day of Kindergarten for her sister.  First trip on the school bus, all the things that she has been stoked about doing…and following in her sister’s footsteps.

Tuesday night, I was walking out of the office here in Redwood Shores and one of my colleagues was going on about how hot it was outside that day.  Admittedly, it was unusually warm for this part of the country but all I could do was shake my head remembering the days that walking on the flight line left boot prints from the melting rubber.  Remembering days that you had to keep a bucket of water nearby to toss your tools in while working on the radar because they were too hot to pick up other wise.

One of my favorite characters in the blogosphere has another of his thought provoking  reminders up for you to read.  Go take a look.