9 Years Ago Today

A common theme popping up across the web the last 48 hours.  Where were you 9 years ago?

Go here if you want to see what some of us were doing.  Me?

I was consulting at a client in Fort Worth, Tx which is about 1000 miles from home.  My wife was home with our 3 month old daughter and here I was on the 38th floor (there were only 39) of the tallest building in Fort Worth.  Outside my window, about 7 miles out was NAS Ft. Worth.
I remember the aircraft scrambles from the Air Station.
I remember the team of consultants that I had on site, all relying on each other as the events unfolded.
I remember the call that I made to my wife, informing her of the attacks and her heart wrenching emotional tears.
I remember feeling helpless to do the things that I needed to do most for my family at that moment.
I remember the mass exodus from the building of all of the client’s staff.
I remember taking my team down to a local sports bar and watching the news coverage on all of the multiple TVs.  The place was empty except for us, and the fact that we were regulars is all that kept it open.
I remember wondering how in the hell I was going to get home to my wife and new child, and what I was going to encounter throughout whatever manner of transport would be used.
I remember, my colleagues who were consulting with the Cantor Fitzgerald team on the 102 floor of the WTC.
I remember my colleague who was flying to San Francisco to cover a meeting for one of his team, and was on United 93.
I remember the images.
I remember being within minutes of abandoning my family and re-enlisting.
I remember the victims and their families.
I remember all that we have done, and have yet to do to defend our country and our way of life.

It was a very tumultuous time for me personally, and professionally.  It was, and is still, a very tumultuous and emotional event for our nation.

I remember the feelings that I had as a young L/CPL when we got word of the Beirut Barracks Bombing.  My feelings on 9/11 were much the same.

I remember….. and I will NEVER FORGET!