
An interesting discussion taking place in one of the online communities that I follow.  Essentially the discussion began on why are 3 shot groups important / useful?  From there it evolved, into one of those classic moments.

Full disclaimer here:

  1. I enjoy long range shooting, and I am actually pretty good at it when I pay attention to my basics.  I mean hitting a water balloon, or other reactive targets at 600 yards is pretty cool.  Long range shooting means consistency and shooting very small groups.
  2. I really only enjoy LR shooting in small amounts.  If I get out 3 – 4 times a year, that’s just about right.
  3. The AWESOME description below is just about perfect (IMHO) and is written by one of my favorite authors (Larry Corriea).  You can find his works published by Baen, and samples at his site here.
  4. Backgound:  IPSC/IDPA/3 Gun are all shooting sports that involve multiple targets, multiple reloads, moving and shooting, and (in the case of 3 Gun) multiple weapons in a single stage.

Enough of the disclaimers.  Here is the fun stuff:

Shooting for groups… Basically you just shoot, but shooting for groups requires patience, sitting there being all boring, and then repeating it. Then you go get a sandwich. Stare through a spotting scope for awhile. Shoot another shot. Take a nap. Wake up. Adjust your wheel chair. Dust the cobwebs from the scope. Shoot again. Drink some Metamucil. Complain about kids these days. Shoot again. Pack up your guns into the back of your ’86 Ford Aerostar that has a leaky power steering pump, so that every time you turn it sounds like a groaning manatee. Drive home. Sullenly stop at the Walmart, because your wife asked you to purchase some creamed corn, and they have a two for a dollar sale. Once you are home, post on the internet about the size of your group. Deduct two inches from what you actually shot before posting.

Shooting IPSC/IDPA/3gun?  You walk up to the starting point while heavy metal guitars blare your theme song. At the signal, you take your weapon, and run, leaping and bounding like a predatory super-gazelle through flaming, swinging Ewok style booby-traps. You shoot several hundred rounds per second, and reload while spinning through the air, narrowly avoiding the snapping jaws of a velociraptor. When the last plate falls, a beautiful woman in a ripped tank-top falls, swooning, at your feet, while you dramatically light a cigar, and then flick the match into a puddle of gasoline causing a huge explosion to rip apart the monster truck parked behind you. It barely musses your perfect hair. Dolph Lundgren then scores your targets. And you win. You win life. FOREVER.