
No this isn’t a post about Mythbusters but, if you want to have a discussion about one of my favorite shows let me know.

This is just a link to another post that is out to bust some myths about firearms.

Myth #6 – “I know how to shoot I’m a Police officer, Marine..(Fill in the Blank)”

While this line of thinking initially makes sense, I have seen countless people that “should” be able to shoot well and carry a gun for a living that are absolutely horrible at gun fighting. On the opposite side of that, I know guys that are desk jockeys, lawyers and computer nerds that possess gun fighting skills that are phenomenal.

You want to know what the military teaches 90+ percent of the troops? Discipline and firearms safety, which has more bearing on your ability to learn gun fighting than gun fighting itself. The next time you hear this take it with a grain of salt.

Go here to read the whole thing