Pirate Hunting

For a variety of reasons the last couple of days have been less than professionally perfect, and the next couple of weeks promises to hold the dreaded “change” as we “realign” our organization.  So, I am finding an inordinate amount of good cheer from the events off the coast of Somalia.

It seems that the folks doing the work had a bit of a press conference earlier today also.  Here is the best part so far:

“As soon as the first stack of [Marines] made our way into the bridge, their hands were up, their weapons were down, they moved to their knees and they were compliant,” Martin said. “At that point, they were pretty scared. One guy actually defecated himself. … He sh– his pants. I don’t know if that can go on the news or not, but that actually happened.”

A little right done in the world, in the finest traditions of The Corps, and the Naval Service.  And another little bit of lore to add to the history of our Corps.