
A lot of things are happening in right now; we have a terrorist play being thwarted, Halloween tomorrow, General Elections on Tuesday, Veteran’s Day and the Marine Corps Birthday all just around the corner.  What do all of these events have in common?  That common thread is that they are all made possible by people who “stand on that wall”.  Day in, and day out.  If they are not on the wall, their comrades are and they are all willing to put themselves between this nation, and those who would do it harm.

In the course of being at the point of the spear, many are injured.  To those ValourIT can make all the difference.  By bring technology in to the recovery cycle wounded warriors are able to connect and address many of their social and psycological recovery needs while the medical teams focus on the physical.

Once a  year Soldier’s Angels runs this fund raising drive for ValourIT.  It will run through Veteran’s Day.  This is the time to give a little something back to those that have given us so much.  $1, $5 it all helps.  If you have a corporate matching program, get it engaged as well.  Click one of the buttons on this page to start the donation process.
