A Couple of Thoughts

We’re headed into three events this week:

10 Nov – Marine Corps Birthday.  235 years old and still kicking…

11 Nov – Veteran’s Day

11 Nov – Close of the ValourIT Fundraiser.

Now, many of the Marine Corps Birthday Balls were held last evening but our anniversary day is Wednesday.  So, here is the beginning of my ramp up to the birthday…

On the ValourIT side of the house, you might note that Team Marine surpassed our goal of raising 15K and we have raised the bar on our goal to 25k.  Disappointingly, the Army reached the 15K mark before we did.  However, as of 2359 ET 6 Nov, we had made a push and are leading the Army team by $3200.  The team competition is fun, and everyone in blog land has great fun with it but the bottom line is that this charity is worth my time, effort, and what I can give.  I hope that you find it is worth yours too, as we work to push them past the overall goals for this year.

Thanks for your help.

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