What Are Our Marines Doing?

Well, as usual a bit of everything.

Seriously though with a force of 202,000 Marines on active duty what are they all doing?  Let’s go through some of the obvious:

  1. Afghanistan (and other) Delployments:  Marines are active throughout Afghanistan.  You will find all aspects (Air Wing, Infantry, Arty, Support, Tankers etc.) actively engaging in operations in this country.
  2. Maritime Deployments:  Ah, the “Float”.  There are always folks on float, scattered through out the world ready to engage in humanitarian or military missions.
  3. Security:  At every embassy you will find Marines.  Often they are the first face that will greet you either at the gate, or at post 1.  You will also find them at the White House, and other cerimonial posts.
  4. Training or Maintenance:  Training, training, training.  If you are not actively on patrol, or standing watch you will be training or performing maintenance.   It could be working up for a deployment or just the normal routine of maintaining and improving your quals.

What do all of these activities have in common?  The potential for injury.  No matter how hard you try to create awareness of the dangers that our service men face there is no way to prevent everything.

Whether it is the dislocated ankle coming off a spider drop from the top of a wall, or the loss of life from a vehicle crash it happens.  When it does, there are folks like Soldier’s Angels and ValourIT standing by to help out.  Our fund raising event continues for a few more days.  Please toss a couple of bucks their way.
