Boomershoot 2011 friday

The boomershoot event is a one day event that takes place on Sunday. It focuses on reactive targets that are placed from 375 yards to 800 yards in distance.

On Friday and Saturday there is a precision rifle clinic that is presented on the same course. It’s a great clinic and I have come to enjoy working with the folks conducting it. After yesterday, I have a higher level of respect for these guys. 15 to 20 mph winds, blowing snow, and still we were able to get guys on target at 400 yards. We couldn’t see much beyond that distance in the snow.

The trek into Idaho has been an adventure for me every year. This year was no exception, it started with a 2 HR flight delay. Fortunately my connection was also delayed. The drive from Spokane was nice right up to having drive up us12 along the Clearwater river in the pitch blackness. Windy, dark, and kind of late at night.