New Business

The Mad Rocket Scientist, over at Random Nuclear Strikes is reacting to the recent news events regarding unannounced police raids. In case you have not been following the news there is a flurry of recent events on this topic, including:

  1. Raids without a warrant are OK.
  2. Raids with a warrant that has no specifics regarding the details of what is being sought by the raid are ok.
  3. Killing the inhabitants of the home that is the target of the unannounced raid (70+ shots were fired in this case) and then preventing treatment to the victim appears to be ok.

One comment and then back to the business.   There is a fine line between protecting the public, and protecting the police.  There will often be errors that result in casualties to both innocent citizens, and to the police.  That is the nature of being human, and the very fine line that has to be respected.  However, it appears that we are trending to one side of the scale, and I think perhaps we are well past the tipping point.

In any case, MRS has discovered a new niche market and is proposing a new business. I think someone has already beat him to the punch on this one though. I wonder how there sales have been the last two weeks?

Oh, and you really need to read this review of the Door Devil

UPDATE: Interesting piece from the CATO Institute that includes this map.
View Original Map and Database