
It appears that the International Atomic Energy Agency agrees with what the world has assumed to be true for four years now.

Well, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency has come out and said that it strongly thinks that Syrian target blown up by Israeli fighter jets in 2007 was a secret nuclear plant.

The entire article can be found here.

And people wonder why I get all up tight when POTUS flounders on middle eastern foreign policy.

Let me make it as simple as I can.  There are some really evil people in the world.  For thousands of years, the primary center of the conflict with evil has been the middle east.  It is also the “cradle” of human civilization.  Globalization is allowing the spread of many good things that we all thrive upon but, it also facilitates the migration of evil.  Nuclear materials, and nuclear weapons in the hands of people that have an evil intent, or a predisposition to evil is bad.  The geopolitical actions of nation states must be consistent, rational, and predictable when you are dealing with the high stakes of WMD.  The actions of the current POTUS is not predictable, or consistent with the long term (historical) doctrine of the US, this is bad.  Let’s extend that just a bit, because this is something that is a pet peeve… the abandonment of the Monroe doctrine is bad, and it may be too late to correct.  Iranian missiles in Venezuela, not good.

UPDATE:  And it just keeps getting better.

The world’s global nuclear inspection agency, frustrated by Iran’s refusal to answer questions, revealed for the first time on Tuesday that it possesses evidence that Tehran has conducted work on a highly sophisticated nuclear triggering technology that experts said could be used for only one purpose: setting off a nuclear weapon.

The disclosure by the International Atomic Energy Agency was buried inside a nine-page report on the progress of Iran’s nuclear program. The agency did not say where the evidence came from, nor did it provide many details about the allegations.