Videos, The Internet, and Creativity

The internet is an amazing thing.  The blossoming of electronics, digital media, and the venue to publish has created opportunities for people to do things that they might never have had an opportunity to do in say the 1980’s.

There are some really creative, and well produced work out there.  On the other hand there is some real poor stuff too.  Importantly thought, there is a lot of historical stuff out there that in the past would have taken you time and money to find and use.  Let’s look at some examples.

High Quality

Freddie Wong.  An internet sensation has been putting together action fx videos for a bit now.  He is even beginning to attract his own star power.

We even see him producing “Behind The Scenes” stuff.

Before the digital age, he would have had to shoot all this on film. Get it developed. Edit it my cutting and gluing strips together. At best his distribution might have been a regional film festival. Look at the hit count on the first video, 2 million plus.

Low Quality

At the other end of the spectrum we see a lot of the compilation time videos as well. Really questionable stuff that makes you think, “Who in their right mind would do that, and film it, and publish it”? Well those answers are pretty rhetorical. A couple of examples.

Over 14 million views for that one.

On the historical side of things, you can find just about anything you can think of:

Or maybe sports:

The point is, this digital age that we live in has enabled many wondrous things. As many times as we find things that aren’t to are liking there are so many others to offset that. Could you imagine a corporation like Amazon if they still had to maintain inventory control on cards? The precursor to Amazon was mail order. Sears and Roebuck by catalog, printed on a mechanical printing press, and delivered by the postal carrier. Today, with digital presses, electronic delivery, short lead times, global supply chains, overnight courier service across the globe… we are living in the future.