Practical Shooting

There is a local club here in the area (well an hour or so away) that runs “Introduction to Practical” shooting events a couple of times a month.  The title it “Action Pistol”.  Last night was the first time that I have actually been in town, and had a chance to go check it out.  It was also the first time that I have had an opportunity to shoot a sporting event.  A few quick observations.

  1. It was a really well run event.  Even though there were quite a few more shooters than anticipated (37), and the range was in the midst of some major construction (concrete walls), and the weather was threatening to unleash severe conditions…. everyone was safe, and had fun.  Well with the exception of one guy that couldn’t get his weapon to keep from malfunctioning.
  2. I think I am hooked on this sport thing.  A lot of fun, a lot of room to improve, and no prizes so no pressure.
  3. When the targets are turning and dropping, and rattling around you really need to remember to find that front sight and aim before you pull the trigger.
  4. Those little targets at the ground near your feet, you still need to aim at.  It is too easy to slip outside the “A” zone.
  5. Bowling pins, are harder to hit than you think.
  6. Pistol is very different from precision rifle, and I like it.
  7. THIS IS FUN!!!

I was commenting to the scorer how I was disappointed with some of my penalty scores where I was just out of the scoring zone (and there was one turning target that no one was able to hit because it was turning too fast), his comment to me was this is the first match of the season and these are good times.  I didn’t tell him this was my first match ever.  I guess I should feel ok about my performance.  All I know for sure is we had a bunch of people out there firing guns everyone was safe, and (most) everyone had fun.