Monster Hunter

So over the last couple of years y’all have heard me rattle on about the Monster Hunter International saga.  My acquaintance (Facebook says he is my friend), Larry Correia has been writing this series of books for a few years now.  I still have one of his original self published (first editions?) of MHI, and a rather beat up mass market edition as well.

Larry has been churning out the novels recently and has four of them being published this year.  On July 26th, Monster Hunter Alpha is going to hit the bookstores.  I have already read the advanced copy…  It is AWESOME.  But Larry’s books have always been awesome.  Um…. that makes it WICKED AWESOME!!!?   MHA focuses on the character of Earl Harbinger.  Which is a bit of a departure from the normal focus of the series, and I was a bit apprehensive about where this was going to go.  No need to worry though it turned out EPIC WICKED AWESOME.  The story line was more geographically contained, the character development was more focused and provided some deeper understanding on Harbinger, and what motivates him.  Oh, and of course we get AWESOME WICKED EPIC scenes with an industrial size snow thrower.

Larry has asked that everyone get out there and by the book.  There are a LOT of books in the same genre coming out this month, and I think he is a bit worried about how things are going to sell.  After all, you are only as good as your last book and the publishing houses need to see sales.  Well the book is seriously good, and a pleasant step in the evolution of the MHI universe.  Oh, and did I mention that it is EPIC WICKED AWESOME!!!!!

Larry has a quick post about the competition for readers this summer, as well as other MHI news over at his blog.  You should go read it, it has all the info on getting an autographed copy as well as links to the book on Amazon and Uncle Hugo’s.

In case you are too short on time to go read his whole post:

If you want autographed copies, here is where you go to get them: (I’m doing signed bookplate stickers this time, because I can’t afford to fly to Minnesota again, and it is too expensive to ship 10 cases of books to Utah, have me sign them, and then ship them again).  If you want personalization, put that in your instructions. I’m flexible like that. (however, keep in mind there is only so much space, okay? Last time I had a few people ask me to write small novellas, and there is only so much space on a book plate!)

I did by a rifle from Larry a few years back, and he did get me an awesome deal on what has turned out to be an absolutely fantastic CZ550 that I have been using at Boomershoot the last few years.  And he did introduce me to the Gundoctor who is the brains and brawn behind Crusader Weaponry and the Broadsword that is being built to my specs.  AND LARRY WRITES WICKED AWESOME BOOKS.  It’s kinda nice to have a friend like that hanging out in the world.