Soldier’s Angels, VALOUR IT fund raiser is winding down. Today is your last opportunities to give to this fine charity, in this particular campaign.

As you know by now this is a pretty unique program, that makes a tremendous difference in the ability of our warriors to recover from their injuries.  It is also is a very low key organization that does very little in the way of formal fundraising.  This campaign, and the proceeds of various grassroots events are two of the primary funding channels.  Every year at Boomershoot, a percentage of the raffle proceeds is earmarked for Soldier’s Angels and typically the winner of the raffle will hand over their “pursue” to the donation fund as well.  At the gun blogger rendezvous the raffle proceeds also go to Soldier’s Angels.  Folks, it is the grassroots efforts, and the “Blogging” efforts of this campaign that keeps this good work rolling.

Normally, I would give you some motivational success story here.  There are just too many to single one out any more.  If you understand what it takes to put yourself in harm’s way to protect others, and you understand what technology can do to enable the connection of people across the globe then being willing to make a donation should be an easy decision.

Take a few minutes today to scrounge around the sofa cushions, find a couple of bucks to send over to VALOUR IT.
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