Broadsword – 9

It’s been a while since we last spoke of the Crusader Weaponry Broadsword.  The rifle, she is done.  She is built, test fired, adjusted, shipped and delivered to the local Ace Hardware where I picked her up last week.  Unfortunately, the best laid plans to get to the range and test fire her were changed by my lovely wife’s desire to go play pistol instead.  Anytime she wants to play with the pistols, I am more than happy to take her out.  As a result, the rifle testing is delayed.

But let me tell you what I know so far.  Crusader does great work.  Fit and finish, outstanding.  Duracoat, supreme.  Mechanical action, stiff (as expected for a rifle with limited firing time). The rifle was packaged up nicely in a hard sided case within a cardboard sleeve, no bumps or dings anywhere.

The plan:  this weekend 160 or so rounds through the rifle to give her some exercise, and then get her sighted in and zeroed for 100 yds.  Now I just need to find an 800 yd range somewhere nearby.

In the interim a photo or two of the Broadsword to whet your whistle.


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