
Over at The Sniper he has the following post up: Just take your sweet A$$ time « The Sniper.

Now you need to go read the whole article.  It reminds us that words are words, and you need to go out an execute to those words.

I think is this particular case, there are two distinct aspects of action that are missing.  The first is that you have to have a plan.  Not a plan to make a plan but an actual course of action that includes the desired end result and the steps to get there.  The second is that you have to execute to the plan.  The plan can change as conditions warrant but you have to have a plan and you have to execute.

Mr. President stop making plans to make speeches to outline your plan to make a plan.  Just show some leadership and get the job done.  Being a leader is not rocket science.  I know where there  are a lot of young, gung-ho leaders that would be happy to give you lessons.