My Plate is Full

Life has this little habit of getting too busy sometimes, and I am not providing pithy comments through the ol’ blog here as much as I would like.  Here are a handful of updates for you:

Middle daughter turned 7 this weekend.  House full of Hooligans, Goblins and Ghosts running through the yard.  Weather was perfect, no tears from anyone (a first I think) and apparently everyone had a good time.  Much prep work went into the successful event – but it paid off and no more major parties until March.

I managed to shoot my first USPSA match last Thursday.  Considering I hadn’t touched a pistol in a few weeks I was surprised by the quality of my performance.  As usual I can and expect myself to do better (I flubbed a reload on stage 3 that probably cost me 1.5 – 2 sec) but, this is a new sport for me and there are significant opportunities for me to learn.  It was a well run local match, and I am looking forward to more of them through out the indoor season (assuming my travel schedule cooperates).

The black belt test is coming up quickly.  Less than 4 weeks of prep time remain.  I know I am probably over preparing in some areas, and I am probably too confident in others and not spending enough time on them.  I will have to find the balance, work on the weaknesses and stop trying to perfect EVERYTHING.

The “Indian Summer” weather that has rolled across my region lately has been nice and will probably allow me to get one more deep lawn cut done this weekend before things get wet and cold again.  At least I am planning on the cut because I didn’t get the mowing done this weekend and it really needs one more.

Politics and Economics are a little depressing right now so I am not offering any comments or opinions on that topic.  After doing more than my fair share to improve the economy through consumer spending all summer, I think it is time to sit on the sidelines and watch for a while.