Shooting Sports Update

I had everything all planned out, and my plans are out the window.  Such is life.

I had finally gotten to the Safety Briefing for the 3 Gun “Intro Matches” at Bristol.  Then they had an issue with the way the range was used and they canceled the last two matches of the season.  Which sucks for me.  There are some other locations in the area that are doing 3 Gun in October and November but, I am thinking that it really doesn’t make a lot of sense to try and find a way to fit into their programs at the end of the season…and I really should spend the time prepping for my black belt testing in November.

With that in mind, any additional 3 Gun matches will have to wait until 2012.  On the flip side though, the local USPSA Indoor season starts this month.  I am looking forward to trying my hand at those events over the next few months, assuming my travel schedule permits.

Boomershoot is on the calendar for late April.

I just heard about another long range match that sounds cool also Steel Safari.  I am waiting to see what the dates are for 2012.  Aside from trekking through the New Mexico mountains during the summer, it looks to be a fun, intriguing and challenging match.

I will have to spend sometime thinking about what I want to accomplish, and what I can afford to accomplish as some goals for shooting 2012.