
I am constantly amazed by the creativity of the human mind, and our ability to weave a tale that is alternately fantastic, hilarious, fast moving, and frightening.  Here, is just one of those stories.  It is a little long, but it is worth your time.  Please make sure to remove all beverages from the area before reading.  I will not be responsible for any beverages that are spewed forth from your nose or mouth as a result of laughter occuring at the same time that you are taking a sip.

One night around midnight I put on my slippers and bathrobe, grabbed a gun and a flashlight, stuck of box of .22 shells in my pocket, and headed to the backyard for my (unexpected) date with destiny.

I should mention something about the particular gun I decided to take with me. It’s one of my favorites, a little single-shot survival rifle made by Springfield Armory called the M6 Scout

Thus provisioned, armed and equipped, I found myself a few moments later, standing under a maple tree in my backyard, looking at an empty trap. No dice tonight. It was cold as hell, and I was standing there in my bathrobe and slippers, so I’d just turned around to head back to the house when I heard a faint scratching sound from somewhere above me. I turned the flashlight upward, and there in the beam, was a raccoon. Not just a raccoon mind you, but a raccoon 10 feet over my head, looking down at me, with one arm wrapped around the trunk of the tree and the other arm buried elbow-deep in my woodpecker feeder. Frozen in the light, and caught in the act.

I think it would be fair to say that we were both pretty damned surprised.

Now, I had a decision to make…

Go read the whole tale, it will make you laugh.