Act of Valor

I had commented on this film prior to the premier in theaters this week.  I haven’t had a chance to go yet though.  Real life emergencies have been intruding.  There are however from great reviews by folks that I trust, or just read.

From Tam:

  • Wow.
  • By the time the lights came up, you could hear a pin drop. It was a full five-Mississippi before anybody in the theater so much as moved to grab their coat.
  • I am so used to watching gun handling in movies and thinking “You’re Doing It Wrong!” that it was refreshing to see one that made me think “Huh. I’m Doing It Wrong.

Big Hollywood takes a different, refreshing approach.

Let me clue you in, Tinseltown – “Act” is an unapologetically pro-military movie that doesn’t have to pretend that the greatest threat to America is space aliens. It’s got action – holy cow, does it have action. It’s got emotion – real emotion, not that hacky “emotional conflict” cookie cutter crap that your screenwriting seminars push. And it’s got this thing called “moral clarity.”

The Mad Duo has their own perspective that includes:

To be honest, it was actually hard to watch parts of this movie. Between the natural tension built up watching the boys do their thing and the underlying psychological ‘force multiplier’ of knowing the operations are reality based, conducted by real shooters…well, if you’ve ever been shot at or have any empathy for shooters, you can’t help but want to warn them (or at least stack up and go with them).

Go read the links!  Go see the movie!  I know I will…Soon