
I don’t have the time right now to do this topic justice.  However, a couple of things caught my eye this morning.

Tam put some recent news from POTUS in perspective for us.  The biggest thing to take away from this is that the magnitude of the problems that we are dealing with is causing us to become insulated from reality.  When we start to talk in terms of trillions and billions, the majority of the citizens (me included) hear the words but don’t translate this to reality.  As a result the magnitude of the issue is something that we are unable to get our heads around.  I believe that this has extended to our political leadership.

But, Tam put a link in her little post about the economic happenings in Europe.  Admittedly I have only been following this on the periphery but there are certain key phrases in this BBC article that are concerning.  This one in particular caught my eye:

What incenses people is the humiliation. Negotiations with Brussels are seen as negotiating the terms of surrender.

Two simple sentences that I really hope do not portend the beginnings of a serious event in Europe.  If you recall, Franz Ferdinand was a relatively minor member of the Hapsburg line before a series of events made him the presumptive heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.  A wrong turn on his way to the palace in Sarajevo resulted in his assassination, and WW I.

We live in a global economy.  One event here, and the globe can adjust.  Another event over there, coupled with several other events around the globe….   Things can get out of control in a hurry.