Long day. Weather was close to ideal for the day. Little to no winds, and partly sunny throughout the day. I did not shoot much, maybe 25 rounds all told. I had been asked to do some coaching for some of the precision clinic attendees and I was more than happy to help out.
I did get to meet both Shelley and Anette as well as try out some ESS eyepro.
All in all, a great day.

Off to the big event day. Load up the rental car and head up the mountain. Stay tuned for more.
Wow!! Been reading your blog for a while, just figured out who you are!!
That’s great, and many thanks for all the help and the brass!
Bill – Nice to know someone reads my poorly written, poorly focused stuff. Always good to see you and the rest of the “Gene team”. I always have a good time at Boomershoot, and am flattered that you guys draw me in to help out and welcome me the way you do.
You’re one of the people I look forward to getting a chance to see and catch up with every year. When I came across your blog, and then saw you were getting ready for Boomershoot, I was hoping to track you down and meet you! LOL!
But, as usually happens, things get hectic, and while we are trying to keep up with all the clinic stuff, I don’t get a lot of opportunity to go find people. Glad to finally make the connection!
I spent 5 years in Iceland as teenager, so Thor has always been one of my favorite characters, I appreciate you Blog title!
I think those Jerseys are Two of a kind, actually! LOL
Just to be nit picky, they were one of a kind. Shelley’s had her personal logo on the neck and Anette’s had her’s on the neck.
You are 100% right, I just didn’t know if anyone but me had noticed!
I was just jerking your chain, anyways!
I know you are 3 gunning a bit, any plans to do any more long range shooting this year? We are considering a couple more clinics out here, just haven’t identified a site or made plans as yet.
What would you like to see?