Candidate Selection

In Tuesday’s opening post on the presidential election, I stated that most Americans had already made a decision on who to vote for in November.  In this case, I classify that as the incumbent Barrack Hussein Obama or any body else.

Over at the Anarchangel, Chris does a great job of breaking the argument down into a fairly concise set of points.  Go read the whole thing but, it boils down to this:

There are four EXTREMELY important reasons why Obama cannot be allowed to have a second term:

  1. Supreme court justices
  2. Other federal judges
  3. Executive branch appointees (heads of agencies, senior bureaucrats etc…)
  4. Executive orders, signing statements, administrative rule and procedures, and other executive instruments of regulation and policy

The president as an individual has very little direct power over domestic issues as I said; but these four elements give the president, and his party (the party tends to provide or at least strongly influence the candidates and final decisions for each of these posts, as well as for the interpretation of executive powers) ENORMOUS power to screw the country up.

Obviously, this argument cuts both ways and voters need to take a look at the proposed policies of each party on the issues that are important to them, and make a rational decision.  If $10.00 a gallon gas prices are okay for you then choose your candidate appropriately.  If entitlement spending is important to you then choose your candidate and party appropriately.  If the principals, values, and vision of the Founding Fathers is important to you make your choice.  If spending beyond your means is important… well you know how the rest of this goes.

Go read Chris’s post.  Begin thinking about what is important to you, and research your candidates.