Complimentary Skills

An interesting post up at Paul Merkel that discusses a complimentary skill set.  In this case the set is pretty run of the mill to me but, evidently it is not for other folks.

For every single review written that addresses Tactical Combat Casualty Care or what I call “Beyond the Band-Aid” training, there are one hundred more written by myriad authors and bloggers extolling the virtues of this firearm or that as the greatest “man-stopper”.  Personal defense ammunition is promoted for expansion qualities, wound cavity, “energy transfer”, and, of course our favorite “stopping power”.

Were society’s sheep to happen on any of these gun and ammo articles they would likely faint away from shock.  But the choir embraces them.  They memorize the paragraphs and regurgitate the words in future gun shop or shooting range conversations.  Never does it occur to these folks to pen a letter to the editor or “blog” their disgust about the author’s discussion of lethal force or for implying that one man might be forced to kill another man, let alone recommend the best tool for doing so.  These issues don’t give them a moment of pause.

However, when these same steely-eyed, gun show killers stumble upon an article that mentions the words tourniquet, pressure dressing, nasal airway, or chest decompression needle they become apoplectic.  When the suggestion is made that a citizen, given a nominal amount of professional training can be equipped to stop a life-threatening injury and stabilize a trauma victim until the professionals arrive, they are beside themselves with disbelief.

Go read the whole thing.  It is worth your time.

In my bag of tricks I have many different ways to take a life, or cripple and maim a “bad guy”.  However, once the attack is stopped there are always those who need care.  I learned life saving techniques long before I learned life taking techniques.  The bottom line though is that they are complimentary skills.

If I can take a life, I need to know how to save one as well.  Although I believe the reverse to also be true, not everyone has the same belief.

If I carry a gun, a knife, or any other means to do harm I must also have the means and the mindset to do good.  In my cozy civilian life, I will most likely have more opportunities and demands to do good, than to inflict harm.  Fortunately, I am prepared and able to do both.