
Nice footage of a dustoff in Afghanistan.

Even as old and overweight and out of shape that I am, yeah I would do this.  I kind of wish I had had the chance to 20 years ago.

One thought on “Dustoff

  1. I stumbled upon your blog througha link from Random Nuclear Strikes.

    Hoooo Boy… serious flashback moment, but not in a bad way.

    I was a SAR/MEDEVAC Crewman from 03 to 09 and have occasionally found myself wishing that I had some helmet-cam footage to show my (hypothetical) future children “what daddy did in the war”. The ambiguously ethnic motivational music is a bit much, but this’ll do nicely.

    I also notice that the Army appears to attatch a 500 lb winch to the #3 red-ring rather than using the integerally mounted rescue hoist that is installed on Navy/USMC birds. It may be more convienient (the swing arm makes it much easier to get a load into/out of the cabin) but 2 fully-loaded troopers would be pushing the weight limit and make me a bit nervous.

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