The Tribe

Just this morning I was explaining to my wife an exchange that took place in a thread on We The Armed.

One commenter said, “Can you still get across the border Sean”?  Another chimes in with, “No, he can’t. He’s got the death sentence in twelve systems”.  Which was followed by, “And how bad is it that probably everyone reading the thread got the 12 systems comment?”.  It seems that all things geeky, steam punk, zombie-ish, and monster related are one aspect of my tribe.

Another aspect is this (from the Castle Argghhhh)

As the caption that came with the pic says, “I don’t care how much of a badass you think you are or what kind of artillery you’re carrying, when you see a little cute puppy you squat down and pet it.”

Damn straight. Puppies are part of our tribe.