Another Defensive Incident That You Will Not Hear About

Another tale of gun defense, where no one was shot and all turned out well.  You won’t hear of this one in the media.  Go read it.  The whole thing, not just the excerpt below… I’ll wait.

Now, for those who tell themselves, “Oh, that could never happen to me. I live in a GOOD neighborhood!’ or “That sort of thing doesn’t happen around here!”, let me tell you about my neighborhood. Most of my neighbors are retirees, many are veterans. Everybody is fairly close-knit, we all look out for each other. This is not a “poor” neighborhood, and while not quite a “rich” neighborhood, crime is all but non-existent here. Defense situations can (and do) happen to almost anyone, anywhere.

Are you back?  Ponder this one… how often does being armed and able to defend yourself quickly end a potentially tragic event before it unfolds?  While I do not have the statistics (I doubt anyone does) it is probably more often than you think.  Conservatively estimating, for every defensive shooting that occurs there are probably 2-3 incidents where just being armed and aware result in the bad guys retreating and looking for an easier victim.

One thought on “Another Defensive Incident That You Will Not Hear About

  1. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the kind words.
    Thankfully everything worked out, and no one got hurt. Hopefully this whole thing will help others be better prepared.

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