RockCastle 3 Gun Update

Or, “Have I Lost My Mind”?

4 years ago when I picked up a gun again for the first time after a 20+ year break, there were a number of reasons for it.  I won’t go into all of them in this post but, one of them was I that was intrigued by 3 gun competitions.  Since that time 3 Gun has taken off as a sport with major events, and TV coverage etc.  The barriers to entry have not really eased at all but, the sport has gained in popularity across the country.

Last summer, I decided to get serious about the sport aspect of shooting.  I started to start shooting some USPSA pistol events in Jun 2011 and received my “C” classification in Jan. 2012.  At the same time I began overcoming some of the barriers to entry for local 3 gun matches.  As a result, I was able to shoot one 3 gun match last year in September.

In 2012, I have been able to shoot 2 additional local 3 gun matches and attend a really good 3 gun training camp.  Thursday I leave to go shoot the RockCastle 3 Gun match.  This is where I think I may be getting a little crazy.  I have (let’s be generous) 4 match experiences under my belt and now I am going to go shoot a major event.

Let’s put this in a little more perspective.  I will spend hundreds of dollars on entry fees, ammunition, and travel.  I will spend 16 hours traveling (round trip).  I will shoot 7 stages in a match over 2 days and the total time shooting will be less than 14 minutes.

When you put it in those terms, it does seem a little bit nuts.  But, when I compare it to many of the other hobbies and sports out there that people are involved in… maybe not so much.  And I enjoy this sport.  It is one of the few individual sports that I really like, and find that I am not that bad at it.

All that said, my gear is checked and pretty much good to go.  I need to update my match checklist, and pack ammunition and clothing.  Load up the truck and head for Kentucky on Thursday.  Seven Stages of shooting on the amateur side of the event.  A number of side matches, and some pro seminars will be offered during the event as well.  Most of all, it should be challenging and a lot of fun.

More to come, stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “RockCastle 3 Gun Update

  1. That’s a great plan! I am in the planning stages for starting 3 gun next year, still working on the shotgun component, and deciding for sure which pistol I am going to use.

    Check out the vendor booths, and make sure you get by the Alexander Arms booth and say high to Bill Alexander for me. He’ll probably be the only guy on the grounds speaking with an English accent!

    Also, if you have a chance to watch Pat Kelley shoot, take it. The guy is incredible. He’s a local guy who used to shoot Heavy Metal in 3 Gun, until there was no more competition. He literally has NEVER lost a match in heavy metal at any level. He’s shooting optics now at the pro level, so the competition is more up his alley. He’s been helping with Steel Challenge locally, and is a wealth of information. He’s also hilarious to listen to, at least at local matches, because he keeps a running commentary WHILE he is shooting! You can also see him on the Shooting Illustrated site doing trick shots, so you can get an idea of who to look for.

    To top it off, he’s one of the top shot gunners in the US, and will be heading overseas to shoot a World Championship in October. If there is any chance to watch him shoot a pump shotgun, take it, he can run a pump faster than almost anyone can run a semi-auto.

    Good luck, and keep us updated!

    • Bill – Will do. I think that this first “major” kind of match is going to be a blur with so many things going on. It will be fun though. I will post something on my gear as part of the Rockcastle series, and how it works. Maybe even something on what I see the faster guys using.

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