The Future of Thor’s Hall

IF you haven’t noticed, life has had it’s way of catching up to me from time to time.  As a result, the blog it suffers as it is put on the back burner.  Thor’s Hall is not going to go away, though I am going to make some changes.

I have a ton of interests in life, one of the reasons that this blog has been so eclectic over the years and bounces from music to jokes to politics to self defense and back again.  What I have not really made an attempt to do is limit myself, and that has been a good thing.  This blog has been the release for what ever has my interest at the moment, and it will likely continue to be that way.

In the past several months, I have become very cognizant of personal brands and what they can really do for you in life.  With that in mind, I have taken a couple of my current interests and decided to bundle them up and spin them off into their own domains.  I have created what I hope will serve as an umbrella concept to keep them all under a single “brand theme” (the names may change slightly but have the same common overarching theme).  I am hoping to come up with a common logo to attach to everything as well.

The goal here is to create a brand that will provide a common identity to promote whatever projects / hobbies that I have running at any point it time.  I am hoping that it becomes a strong enough identity that it can stand the test of time and translate across potential family interests / businesses etc.  That would be a nice legacy to have.

The first endeavor is going to be to move all of my writing related to the shooting sports, and activities to a new domain.  This has been a bit of a slower start than I had planned on so the kick off of the new site is going to be rough, and there will definitely be some evolution as we go through the process of finding that brand identity.

I hope you wind up liking it.  It is going to be an interesting new step in my life.  So go visit Havoc 5 Shooting.  Hopefully, you will begin to see other spin offs of the Havoc 5 identity in the future.  Or who knows, maybe we will change the identity completely over time.

Thor’s Hall will continue, and still be the dumping ground of my random rants and interesting links.  Whatever catches my eye at the moment.


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