The WIIT 2013 – Conclusion

This one got lost in my drafts post and should have been posted back in March.  After the Winter Indoor IPSC Tournament.  Here are the things that I have identified as areas of improvement.

Take Aways

  •  I need to work on barricades a little more.
  • Turn and draw, needs work.  I need to get my feet to move instead of floating through the turn.
  • Trigger reset:  Don’t get going so fast that you forget to reset the trigger.  Stupid mistake that happened more than once.  The bright side, I wasn’t slapping the trigger.
  • Shoot more steel, paper plates, whatever works.  Steel kicks my butt and it shouldn’t it should be automatic.
  • I really ought to put a little extra prep time aside for bigger matches like this.
  • Set some goals.  Measure your success against those goals.
  • Just because the guy in front of you on the stage ran it in 15 seconds (with an open gun and rig) doesn’t mean that you should be trying to run it in 15 sec.
  • If a GM in production runs the stage in 18 seconds, and you run it in 30 it gives you a new goal but don’t expect to be there today.


Not great but not too disappointing either.  My hit factor continues to climb which is one of the key metrics that I need to watch.  If I could knock down the steel arrays properly my times and HF would improve even more.

If you are curious about how the stages actually could have been run, well take a look at this fine video.