Planning Your Training

I think that we all know that in order to optimize your results, planning your time is important.  This is especially true when “training” for anything.  When I was coaching, we always planned the practice.  There were specific things that we needed to work with the team, and individuals on.

For physical conditioning, shooting, and martial arts I have readopted the same approach.  Developing a long range set of training blocks, and then devolving those into specific work sessions.  The key for me, is finding the time to execute the plan.

Randi Rogers has a break down of how she approaches planning her practice sessions and includes a pretty focused template for you to use as a starting point.

In Ben Stoeger’s book he breaks down what a week of practice looks like for him and how he approaches the mixing of both dry fire, and live fire exercises.  Interestingly he spends some time working in the mechanics of moving through the stages, and between shooting positions as well as fundamental techniques at distances.

Mike Seeklander goes into a lot more depth in his book about developing not only a specific goals and plans but balancing that plan among his six distinct areas of development.

No matter your approach, planning the task, executing the task, and then evaluating the results is a key to your development.  With the economic and opportunity cost of range time, equipment, and ammunition it becomes even more important to your success and enjoyment of the sport.  Take the time to give your efforts some thought and planning before you jump right in.  I think you will be pleased with the results.

** Disclosure time.  I am not an Amazon affiliate nor am I sponsored or supported in any way by the individuals (or their organizations) mentioned above.  I have just found their advice useful and wanted to pass it on.