Operation X

Samson Manufacturing initiated their Operation X program this fall.  In a nutshell, it is a program designed to get product feedback from people in the field.  A corollary to this is the widespread non-traditional media exposure that can be generated for the Samson product lines.  It is a creative approach to marketing, and a way to Samson to gain broader market penetration as well as pull in a lot of user feedback early in the product lifecycle.

Here is the announcement describing the program.

[tentblogger-youtube 4DbR4RmBGbI]


When the application period for this program opened, I thought I would throw my name in the hat and see what happened.  The selection announcement for the Operation X program was made today.  Much to my surprise, I found my name on the list as a selectee.

Over the course of the program (or for however long I can convince them that I am worthy) I will have the honor of participating.  You can expect to hear a lot more about the program and Samson products during the coming months.  There are a lot of well known and established individuals from the shooting world that have been selected as part of the program, and I am honored to be part of the Operation X team along with them.

Stay tuned, this should be a lot of fun.

What a great way to start the year!