Texas Wrap Up

I finally have a couple of minutes to catch up on the results of the Texas 3 Gun Championship.  As it was last year, this was an awesome event.  The crew (Kurt and Brian and everyone) works hard to put on a smooth running and challenging event and they did another awesome job.  The volunteers from the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets do an excellent job supporting each stage and helping things run smoothly.

Finally, it wouldn’t be an event without the sponsors.  Thank you for your support.

In my earlier reports, I indicated that I was struggling with some equipment issues.  I finally had one of my squaddies (thank you Nancy) run some video for me and you can see exactly what I mean.  I thought that I had it worked out but, apparently it was still an issue on Sunday morning.  The funny thing about this failure is that I jumped into the final stage of the match after this one and had the most awesome stage run that I have had in a long time (40th in the division).

Needless to say, it was a disappointing match for me.  I struggled with the equipment, I struggled with my mental game both staying focused, and in pushing myself, and I struggled with some of the physical positions just getting the position to be workable.  All in all, a great learning experience and while my overall finish was quite a bit lower than I would like and expect, (115/158 in my div) I have that last stage as a known capability and reminder of what to strive for.



For comparison purposes, here is the way that stage can be run.



Title Sponsor


Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Stage Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Staff Jersey Sponsor

Target Sponsors

Scoring provided by


