Babes With Bullets 3 Gun Challenge (Pt. 1)

A few years ago my wife was interested in learning how to shoot.  Being the smart husband that I am I gave her a minimum set of basics on safety and operation and then sent her off to a Babes with Bullets handgun class.  For her it was an experience that she thoroughly enjoyed, and came back with all kinds of stories as well as some new skills.  Fast forward a year or so and the Babes with Bullets organization decides to offer a 3 Gun “camp” that allowed the primary lady enrollee to bring a friend.  My wife quickly enrolled us, and we were soon off to Iowa to learn from the best in the business, and make some awesome new friends.  We have been returning to the BWB camps regularly because they are so fun (and instructor led training is important).

This year the BWB organization rolled out the 1rst Annual BWB 3 Gun Challenge.  Of course we decided that this was a must attend event, and quickly registered for the event with my wife, oldest daughter, and I all making the long trek from the upper Midwest down to Northern Louisiana.



We arrived at the famous Shootout Lane facilities Friday evening and were able to get a look at the stages that were awaiting us.  It looked like things had dried out from the torrential rains that they had been having in the area over the prior several weeks and that we would be good to go in the morning.  Well the rain gods had other ideas, and Saturday morning greeted us with hard, driving rain and thunder storms that turned the firm ground to standing water, and slippery mud.  None of that stopped us, and after a two hour delayed start we slogged our way through four stages of fun.  Fortunately, the rain pretty much held off for the balance of the day and we were spared a complete soaking while shooting.  We still were plenty wet and muddy by the time we wrapped up though.



As I get a chance to work through the video from the event, I will get some more images posted.  The short version is:

  • This was an excellent event that was executed well, in adverse conditions.
  • Everyone had fun.
  • Sponsor support was excellent.
  • We made some new friends, and reconnected with some old friends.

More to come.  Stay tuned.