Attention Getter

An interesting article out of Maine last week.  You’ll need to go read the entire piece yourself but here’s a couple of excerpts:

When the conversation at the ladies’ luncheon suddenly swung from cats and grandchildren to the ammo shortage, I finally verified I was not imagining things.

We’re living in strange times. Perilous times. Definitely uncertain times.

Definitely uncertain times.  No doubt about that.

Our lives go on much as they have before. Our cars still run, our washing machines chug away, our children still manage to find summer jobs at McDonald’s. Every so often the federal financial gurus tell us things are getting better. The Dow goes up for a day before it goes down again. Our jobs are safe. For now.

But then we hear the state government of California is writing IOUs. Tent cities are springing up in Florida. Major auto companies, once a mainstay of our economy, would go under if not for government help.

We seem to accept it all without a blink of an eye. So far we have left revolution to the Iranians. But we are talking about TEOTWAWKI among ourselves. Ordinarily peace-loving citizens are arming themselves. The murmur is growing louder.