Cultural Observations

At some point int he past I may have pointed you towards a number of different cultural observations that describe the way that our nation’s character has been shifting since the 1960’s.  The interesting thing is that the cultural shift is becoming more and more noted, and that there appears to be a underlying, unorganized, (truely grassroots) movement afoot to combat the shift.

This undercurrent takes on many forms.  From angry rants, to opinions on what is personally attractive.  From observations of historical figures to the writings and thoughts of leaders.

Today Brigid subtly reminded me of these changes, and made me think of this topic again.  Since she is so much more eloquent than I, please go over and read her post on the topic.

Then take yourself over to “The Pussification of The Western Male” for a different approach to the same topic.

Next Step:  go over to the Art of Manliness and browse the site.  I think you may find some interesting articles.

Finally:  Go read.  I recommend the Reagan Diaries.  His approach and handling of political figures of the time is a reminder of how things are done successfully, and with class.