Obiligatory Nobel Post

This morning the US and possible most of the world is heaving a collective sigh of WTF?

Since others have eloquently speculated and reported on the facts of the situation allow me to address this from the more whimsical direction.

1. Richard Daley initiates a process that culminates in the nomination of BHO for the Nobel Peace Prize.

2. The Nobel committee gathers their nominations and constructs a ballot. Distributing the ballots to the voters.

3. The voters receive their ballots open them and start laughing out loud. As the deadline for returning the ballots approaches each voter begins to think “…mmm he’ll never get enough votes to win but, maybe I can get some brownie points by voting for him…”

4. The Nobel organization dutifully tallies the votes and “Oh Shit, he won. Now what do we do?”

5. This morning Daley calls BHO and asks for his million dollar payoff.

Reality: The Nobel is a prestigious award but, over the years it has lost touch with the reality of the world and has become irrelevant except as resume padding.