Leadership and Accountability

One of the things that I see over and over again in my line of work, is the daily demonstration of leadership skills and accountability.  In some cases it is a definite lack of those traits, and then I see the consequences of that vacuum.

It looks like POTUS is at it again in this department.  He has abdicated his role in dealing with a crisis, and is looking for someone else to step in.  As is ably documented at Hot Air today, there is a very clear line of accountability already in place.  Additionally, there is a chain of command from the top down, although at the tactical level there may still be some confusion.  Perhaps the problem is that the chain ends in the oval office.

My experience tells me that the symptoms that we are seeing are typical of someone in a position is unable or unwilling to take accountability for the responsibilities of the role.  When that happens things fail.

Feel free to draw your own conclusions.