Gun Blogger Rendezvous

This weekend marks the annual Gun Blogger rendezvous.  Being somewhat scattered in my blogging topics, I don’t consider myself a gun blogger although others might.  In any case, I tend to use my eclectic topic mix as a mental excuse not to attend the annual event.  It has become quite the event too with sponsors, and tours, and shooting events, and a bunch of like minded folks just enjoying each others company.

As usual, the event is held in Reno.  This year a couple of things are happening that I want to note:

1.  The Gun Blogger Rendezvous coincides with the same dates of the Tailhook Association Reunion.  If they are in nearby hotels, there could be some seriously interesting stories coming out of this event.

2.  The Rendezvous is cranking up the charity machine (as they always do) and have again targeted one of my favorite charities, Valour-IT.  If you are not familiar with Valour IT, it is a program administered by Soldier’s Angels and  it provides voice activated laptops and other adaptive technologies to wounded service members.  These devices are designed to speed the recovery process.

If you can drop a few pennies their direction, it is for a good cause.  If not, hold off on those lattes for a few weeks, and give at the big annual fund raising drive will be taking place over the veteran’s day week.