General RANT

Ok time for a general rant here.  This caught my eye this morning and there are just so many things that drive me nuts in these few sentances.

Children Shot by Stray Bullets While Playing in Baby Pool

BALTIMORE —  Police say two small children were injured Monday after being struck by stray bullets from a nearby shooting while wading in a baby pool in West Baltimore, WBAL-TV reported.

Neighbors told WBAL-TV that the toddlers were playing in the wading pool outside an apartment at about 10 p.m. when they were hit.

The children, ages 2 and 3, were taken to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. The injuries are not believed to be life-threatening, police said

One child was shot in the torso and the other in the leg, according to authorities. Police have made no arrests.

Witnesses told WBAL-TV that the shooting was up the street, away from where the children were playing, and that as many as 11 shots were fired.

1.  Let’s start with “Shot by stray bullets…”.  You might be struck by stray bullets but shot?  Shooting is a deliberate aimed action.  Very misleading.  Ok, that is an understatement.  How about… Who the FRACK came up with this frelling headline.  It is bogus and antagonistic.

2.  A 2 and 3 year old outside playing at 2200?  WTF?  Where are the parents?  Who let’s their three year old stay up that late?  How does a 3 year old stay up that late?  My 3 yr old is snoozing my 2030 and that is if I keep her awake that long.  Come on folks 3 yr olds need like 12 hrs of sleep everyday, and they should not be raised to be nocturnal.

3.  Who the FRACK let’s their kids play outside during a gun fight even if it is up the block.

4.  “One child was shot in the torso…”  Come on, the child was struck by a ricochet, or wild round there was no aiming involved.  While it is not stated here, my guess would be that the strike was either glancing, non-penetrating or shallow penetrating.

There are just so many things that are wrong with this story and the way that it is reported it drives me nuts.  This is a fantastic illustration of what a significant portion of our society has become.  From the shallow editorialized reporting, to the interesting parenting approach that is reported, not to mention the gun fight through the street.  How do we adjust this nation’s core values?

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