Presidential Politics – Heating Up

So with the apparent major party nominees identified, each is beginning to develop their message and communicating it through the various media.  The folks over at Flopping Aces have pulled together some commentary around a couple of new ads that are out there.

The first is about McCain’s recent unveiling of the Lexington Project.  Now I have just seen limited peices of this but it seems very similiar to the Energy Policy that Bush and Cheney put together early in their administration.  Execution of that policy has been overcome by events.  From what I see of this it makes sense.  Take the immediate steps necessary to control what we can, with our own resources and let market forces work through which new / alternate energy programs are most viable in the long run.

Curt sums it up…

Pretty good stuff with the overall plan being to make a broader use of existing resources and letting the market solve the new problems associated with new technologies by giving tax breaks and/or rewards. A bit different then the Obama plan to confiscate profits and ignoring the resources within our own borders.