Operation Redwing

I was going to take my time putting together a well thought out post on this topic.  But over at Blackfive they reminded me that today is the 3 year anniversary of this Operation.  While I was on vacation, dodging the crowds and towing little girls around Disney World I had a couple of hours of downtime every night that I was able to use working my way through Marcus Lutrell’s book Lone Survivor.  If you have not read this book you need to.  Regardless of your politics, or thoughts about conflict you need to read and understand the base values that Marcus is able to convey through this story.  These values are what drive the people that have defended this nation, and our way of life for over 230 years.

I cannot summarize the book, or what the meaning of this day is to so many.  Go here to get an idea of the importance of this anniversary.