One thought on “Star Spangled Banner Billy Joel Super Bowl 41 – 2/2007

  1. F.Y.I. Most singers lip-synch the national anthem to a pre-recorded track. Joel refused to do that. He had to time it so that the ending co-incided precisely with a jet flyover in the pouring rain. The morons hired by the NFL who were supposed to take care of the monitor system forgot to turn on his monitors so he couldn’t even hear himself. Try singing a song as difficult as the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ in a football stadium in a rainstorm while you’re trying to follow a stopwatch when you can’t hear anything. He had to wait until the sound from the P.A. system bounced off the stands before he even knew what key he was in.And the press crucified him for what they called a lousy performance. Nobody knows that all this happened, and yet the guy still went on with the show. He’s a true professional. My hat’s off to him.

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