Border Incursions

Well it looks like things on the southern border are beginning to heat up, and get some more media attention.  The most recent focus has seemed to be on the cartel battles taking place within Mexico, and any flow of weapons from the US to Mexico.  While it is still hotly debated, it has been pretty well established that any flow of weapons from the US to Mexico is but a trickle compared to those coming in from other sources, and from defectors from the Mexician Army to the cartels.  While this is the issue that is being focused on by POTUS (see today’s press conference), it is not what we should be focused on. 

It looks like Foxnews is beginning to bring the issues into the mainstream.  Hopefully this will continue, and we can place the proper amount of resources and focus on the Mexican border. 

America’s Third War: Texas Farmers Under Attack at the Border –

The bottom line here, and my father may disagree since he lives in Mexico part of the year, is that Mexico is very close to falling into anarchy.  In some states and cities, it could be argued that they are already there.  I was going to go down the route of a civil war but the reality is that Mexico is beginning to resemble Colombia.  The other factor is that a civil war implies that one faction wants to govern in the place of another, and that is not the case in Mexico.

Given to porosity of the US-Mexican border the growing prescence of elements of the Iranian Republican Guard in Nicaragua and Venezula open up a threat channel to the US that bears close scrutiny.  Bottom line, things have gotten past the point of a national emergency.